The To Do app’s Task feature is best utilized as a way of scheduling reminders for yourself or other staff.
How to Create Tasks on the Desktop
How to Start Tasks on the Desktop
How to Complete Tasks on the Desktop
How to Create Tasks on Mobile
How to Start Tasks on Mobile
How to Complete Tasks on Mobile
This helps staff stay on schedule and complete their day-to-day responsibilities. You can set tasks as one-time activities or set them to recur.
In this article, you will learn how to create, start, and complete tasks from the desktop and mobile versions of the To Do app.
How to Create Tasks on the Desktop
1. From the desktop Dashboard, click the + To Do button.
2. Click Task.
3. Enter the name of the task.
4. Select the appropriate category from the Category dropdown. If you are creating a recurring task, you will have the following options to choose from in the Frequency dropdown:
You can also choose to be reminded of a recurring task a certain number of days in advance by entering a number in the Reminder field. Please note, in order for a daily recurring task to appear on the To Do List each day, the task must have been completed the previous day.
5. Add any relevant notes, if you wish.
6. Assign the task to a Department, Person, or Anyone.
7. When you have entered all information, click the green Post To Do button.
How to Start Tasks on the Desktop
1. From your To Do List (Overview page), click on the task you wish to start.
Pro Tip: Use the Filter dropdown menu on the upper right of the page to view all active tasks. Select Task from the dropdown menu, then click the task you wish to start.
2. Click the blue Start button to begin working on the task.
Pro Tip: Use the blue Pause button if you need to step away from the request or complete it at a later time.
How to Complete Tasks on the Desktop
1. After opening a task, click the red Close button to complete the task from the desktop.
2. Add any final notes, then click the red Finish button. This will complete the task, removing it from your To Do List.
Pro Tip: You can track completed to dos from the Records page on the desktop. Click here to learn more.
How to Create Tasks on Mobile
1. From the mobile To Do app, tap the + icon in the lower right corner of your screen.
2. Tap Task.
3. Enter the name of the task.
4. Select the appropriate category from the Category dropdown in the Details section. If you are creating a recurring task, you will have the following options to choose from in the Frequency dropdown:
You can also choose to be reminded of a recurring task a certain number of days in advance by entering a number in the Reminder field. Please note, in order for a daily recurring task to appear on the To Do List each day, the task must have been completed the previous day.
5. Add any relevant notes, if you wish.
6. Assign the task to a Department, Person, or Anyone.
7. When you have entered all information, tap the green Post button.
How to Start Tasks on Mobile
1. From the mobile To Do app, locate the task you wish to start and tap on it to open it.
Pro Tip: Use the Filter feature in the upper left corner to view all tasks.
2. After you have opened the task, tap the blue Start To Do button.
Pro Tip: Use the blue Pause button any time you need to step away from the task or if you need to complete it at a later time. You can resume it at any point.
How to Complete Tasks on Mobile
1. After opening a task, tap the red Complete button to close it out.
2. Quore will prompt you to add any final notes.
3. Tap the Complete button to close out the task. This will remove it from your mobile To Do List.