What parts of Quore are most important to a housekeeping staff member?
What is the difference between a work order, request, and task in Quore?
Can I edit my cleaning templates?
Where do I find records?
Why don’t I get notifications on my mobile device?
Can I complete yesterday’s cleanings today?
Is it important for the entire housekeeping department to have individual Quore logins?
Where do I go to sign keys in and out?
What parts of Quore are most important to a housekeeping staff member?
To Do app: to create/complete work orders, requests, and tasks
Rooms Book app: to create and acknowledge room notices
Cleanings app: to complete guestroom cleaning inspections, track housekeeping performance, view records for completed cleanings
Directory app: executive housekeeper can use to create housekeeping logins and load in vendors
Mail app: to receive messages and memos, communicate with staff members
Lost & Found app: to track lost and found items at the hotel
Logs app: to communicate daily notes to all staff and complete log sheets applicable to the housekeeping department (for example, key sign-in/sign-out)
What is the difference between a work order, request, and task in Quore?
A work order is anything that needs to be repaired by engineering, such as a broken sink or toilet. A request is typically handled by housekeeping when a guest requests an item, such as an extra pillow or more towels. A task is a non-urgent, routine duty that typically acts as a reminder. All guest-related items should be entered as work orders or requests as this will prompt escalation alerts so the issue can be addressed promptly. Click here to learn more about To Do types.
Can I edit my cleaning templates?
Yes. Cleanings templates can be customized to match your cleaning inspection flow. Click here to learn more about editing templates in Cleanings.
Where do I find records for completed and updated to dos, complaints, notices, cleanings, lost and found items, and logs?
You can find records using the desktop version of Quore. Look in each of the respective apps. You can also pull a variety of data from the Reports app. Read the individual help articles on records and reports in the correlating sections of this site.
Why don’t I get notifications on my mobile device?
First, make sure you have registered your device with your internet service provider. Learn how to do this for Apple or for Android. Also check the Settings section of your device to ensure push notifications are enabled for the Quore mobile app. You should also mark yourself On Duty in Quore to receive alerts while at the hotel.
Can I complete yesterday’s cleanings today?
No. Cleanings reset daily, so you will want to make sure all cleanings are in the system before the day ends.
Is it important for the entire housekeeping department to have individual Quore logins?
Yes. While not every member of the department may actively use Quore, you will need to mark which housekeeper cleaned the room. To do this, the housekeeper must be registered with a Quore login. Having login credentials also allows your team to sign their keys in and out within the Logs app.
Where do I go to sign keys in and out?
Keys can be signed in and out through the Logs app. From the Logs app, click the + New button and select the New Log Sheet Entry option. Click the Key Sign In/Out button. Managers (GMs, AGMs, and Ops Managers) will need to go in and add your hotel’s keys using the “manage keys” option. Click here to learn more about the key sign-in and sign-out process in Quore.